On behalf of the Dearborn REALTIST Board (DRB), we cordially invite you to our "State of Housing in Black America report - Chicago"
The purpose of this event is to share the challenges associated with the declining rate of Black Homeownership and the solutions needed to address it. We are engaging our public officials, Clergy, Community stakeholders, lenders, and housing counseling organizations to help address the problem.
We will have the following panel discussions:
1. Impact on the Illinois economy of increasing Black Homeownership
2. Leveraging your “Influence to make an Impact”
With your leadership and support, together we can put a “Cease and Desist” to the declining rate of Black Homeownership!!
We hope you join us and participate!
The State of Housing in Black America - Unveiling the Mask !!
The Term SHIBA, is the acronym used to represent our focus on the State of Housing in Black America (SHIBA).
The recent collapse of the housing market and subsequent recession has been particularly devastating to the Black community. Not only has our homeownership rate plummeted, but, accessing mortgage credit has become nearly impossible outside of government insured programs such as the FHA and VA. Unemployment also remains high, in the double digits for Blacks, and vacant and abandoned properties clutter our communities. The SHIBA Report is designed to shed light on many of the issues centered on foreclosure mitigation, neighborhood blight, and disaster recovery for Blacks. More importantly, NAREB has endorsed several policy initiatives in this report. They address rebuilding the mortgage finance system to make loans more available for Black families, ensuring an adequate supply of credit to finance affordable rental housing, and creating a funding vehicle—specifically a community infrastructure bank—to provide the financing to enable broad-based community revitalization and jobs for unemployed workers.
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FB & IG - chicagorealtist
Dearborn Realtist Board is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. 8454 S Stony Island